





工作场所暴力 is generally considered to be any violence or threat of violence against workers on the job or away from the work site. 关注的行为可以从 verbal threats to homicides, to disruptive behaviors such as interference with or obstruction of campus functions, to behaviors that endanger the health or safety of others, including shouting, use of profanity, waving of arms or fists, or verbal abuse. Threatening acts can extend from physical actions short of personal contact to implicit 九游会国际威胁. Violent job site behaviors can include physical assaults, other acts people would believe to be potentially violent, or specific threats to inflict 身体上的伤害.


It would appear that every employee is at some risk in today's work environment for 某种形式的暴力. According to the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), more than two million American workers were subjected to violence last year. According to the Department of Labor, those employees facing the greatest risk are those in community settings and those with extensive contact with the public.


As employers, colleges, and universities need to help educate employees on conduct that is unacceptable, what to do if they see or are victims of workplace violence, 以及如何保护自己.

To the extent possible, consideration should be given to securing the work site through appropriate lighting, locking and alarm systems, video surveillance, and patrols.

Campus employees, including faculty and staff, can help to reduce the opportunities 工作场所暴力. They can assist in the identification of potentially violent situations and learn how to avoid or defuse the incident. 他们也需要理解 the importance of reporting any safety or security concerns to supervisors as quickly 尽可能.

The campus should be alert to behaviors or attitudes that may be indicators of disruptive, 威胁,甚至是暴力行为. Among the behavior patterns to watch for include 以下几点:

  • recent changes in behavior, appearance, or demeanor
  • 工作或个人危机
  • 远离正常的活动或接触
  • 挑战权威
  • 药物滥用
  • threats or references to violence or self-harm, history of either
  • 对武器的占有或迷恋

A pattern of attitudes can also be a warning sign. 这些可以包括以下内容:

  • 孤独或孤独
  • 优越感或自以为是的感觉
  • since of being wronged, humiliated, degraded, or a desire for revenge
  • 缺乏选择或缺乏暴力的选择

Faculty and staff should be advised to watch for patterns of these behaviors and attitudes and to consult with supervisors and security staff about them.


It is important for all members of the campus community to know how to respond in 威胁:威胁、犯罪或暴力的事件. 九游会国际安全专家表示需要帮助 如果有人:

  • 发出迫在眉睫的身体暴力威胁
  • 有武器
  • 以一种引起对安全的恐惧的方式行事

让专业人士回应. Professionals urge those on campus not to attempt to 身体干预或处理这种情况. 相反,他们建议让每个人都参加 去安全的地方,而且要尽快去.

工作场所暴力 should be of concern to the campus community, although the occurrence 比率在统计上很低. But tragedies like the attacks that occurred at the University of Arizona do serve as a reminder that no workplace is secure from all possible disruption, 威胁或暴力.

做好准备. 注意警告信号. 开发响应. 理解和减少 的风险.

What to do when faced with someone who has crossed the line

Anytime someone has crossed the line using some of the above examples, the University Police Department should be notified by calling 911. 不尝试处理一个情况 独自一人. Sometimes, however, you come upon a situation that is potentially violent and you have the opportunity to calm the person down. 这里有一些步骤 在这个过程中提供帮助:

  • 保持冷静. Allowing yourself to become 更多的焦虑 will only make the other person 更多的焦虑. 让m know who you are and acknowledge that they are having a tough time.
  • Be polite, show them respect, and be ready to listen. 让他们发泄可能会缓解 some pressure, and it will buy you the time to consider your next move.


  • While remaining calm, and using a nonthreatening tone, set some limits. 例如, "I will call the police if you don't sit down and stop yelling. 我帮不了你 你不能冷静下来." Say that foul language or name calling cannot be used if you 你会继续和他或她一起工作吗. 如果有必要,试着联系个人 out of a public area in order to get the person to calm down, but try not to be alone 和他或她在一起.
  • 使用强调式倾听. 试着听语气和内容. 让 person know you are interested in understanding what the person has to say. 他是 生气、沮丧、受伤和失望? 问问对方这是不是他或她想要的 是感觉. 不要以为. You can acknowledge feelings without necessarily agreeing 与他们. 避免评判或防御. 避免进入“私人空间” 保持3到6英尺的安全距离.
  • 适当的时候道歉. Provide helpful verbal responses or short-term options, 如果可能的话. 不要许下无法实现的承诺.
  • If the problem is continuing, get help and consultation from the faculty/staff supervisor.

What to do when faced with someone who becomes violent

  • 保持冷静. To the extent that you can, try to continue to communicate with the individual 冷静自信.
  • 拨打大学警察局911. 如果你不能打电话,请另找一个 员工呼叫. Report your name and location and information on "who, what, where 当."
  • Direct the adversaries to leave the scene of the confrontation. 如果可能的话,问问别人 主管和他们呆在一起.
  • Do not physically attempt to get the person to leave. 不要碰那个人.
  • If violent behavior is occurring, escape, hide if not already seen, or find cover 如果可能受伤.
  • Make every possible effort to get others out of the immediate area.
  • Never attempt to disarm or accept a weapon from the person in question.
  • If a weapon is involved, calmly ask the person to put it in a neutral location while 你继续和他或她交谈. 不要争论、威胁或阻止对方 退出.












