



九游会国际 must determine student location to comply with federal regulation requirements as well as to fulfill its obligations as a participating institution in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (NC-莎拉).  


  • §34 CFR 668.第43 (a)(5)(v)条规定,专业执照的披露应如下 students are provided with an understanding of what state licensure requirements are.  
  • 34 CFR 668.43(c)(3)(ii)要求院校确定学生的所在地 and establish a means of consistently determining where students are located both at the time of enrollment and if a student advises that their location has changed.  


九游会国际 is an institution participating in the NC-莎拉 这使我们能够在49个州和2个州提供远程教育.S. 维尔京群岛和波多黎各). NC-莎拉还要求报告有关的数据 student location and disclosure of how location is determined by our institution.  此外,NC-莎拉政策手册规则5.2 .要求参与机构 遵守联邦专业执照披露要求. 


To comply with NC-莎拉 participation requirements, federal regulations, and to support our students in their ability to understand the impact of their location as well as licensure requirements, 九游会国际 (“USM”) sets forth the following processes relative to relocation, location, reporting, 和许可 披露的信息.


  • USM collects physical location information from students each semester as part of 注册过程. 学生在南方在线提供他们的实际地址 可访问记录(SOAR)系统作为注册过程的一部分.  
  • Using the physical address information, USM will determine the location of a student 提供准确的专业执照披露和报告. 
  • Students must update their information within thirty (30) days of a change of address.  
  • Each semester all those students in programs leading to licensure or 认证 是否提供了基于他们提供的位置信息的披露.  
  • Each time a local address change is initiated, students in programs leading to licensure or 认证 are provided with a direct disclosure relative to the program in 他们已经确定的州是他们的本地地址.  
    USM will provide disaggregated data on student location to NC-莎拉 and the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Integrated Postsecondary Data system (IPEDS) 每年.  

Relocating after beginning a USM program can have adverse effects relative to finances 和许可. 学生在搬迁之前应该考虑到这些影响,并可以获得 有关这些影响的信息,请联系下面列出的资源.  

  • 潜在的财务影响 -搬迁到另一个国家(i.e.学生本来就不是这个状态 located at the time they were admitted to the program) while completing a program may impact whether the student can remain in the program, meet the state licensure 要求和/或继续获得财政援助资金. 请与 USM Financial Aid Department to discuss the impact of relocation prior to relocating- 请参阅他们的网页,了解他们的联系信息- http://vgsp.xkd007.com/financial-aid/index.php  
  • 潜在的许可证影响- Based on state specific rules and regulations in place when an individual submits their application for licensure, each state professional licensing board may have 不同的需求.  在考虑搬迁之前,请与项目联系 协调人员讨论授权和执照资格要求. 程序 协调员名单列在以下页面(按学院列出): http://vgsp.xkd007.com/compliance-ethics/professional-licensure-and-Accreditation-info-cehs.php

Other countries, their licensure boards, and licensing and 认证 entities may have specific requirements for a program to lead to professional licensure or 认证.  这是学生的责任来决定是否完成 of their program of choice will fulfill any educational requirements for professional 所在国的执照. 请记住许可证的附加要求 与教育无关的可以适用.   

Each state has distinct licensure and 认证 requirements for certain professions.  

States may also have specific licensure/internship/practicum requirements, including, but not limited to, criminal background checks, fingerprinting and drug screening.

Being aware of these requirements enables students to make informed decisions about 他们的学习计划.   因此,我们强烈建议学生联系 applicable licensure board(s) in their state of residence or in the state where they intend to obtain a license prior to beginning a program that leads to licensure or 在开始任何实习/实习之前获得认证. 国家法律, regulations, and policies may change at any time and those changes in requirements may impact the program's ability to meet the educational requirements for licensure.

信息披露过程 In compliance with the aforementioned obligations, USM discloses professional licensure information to students in programs leading to licensure or 认证 through 以下机制: 

牌照局资料-Disclosures include contact information for the licensing boards are also provided.  


Prior to enrolling in any program at USM, prospective students living and/or working outside of the United States should confirm with the appropriate certifying agency whether successful completion of any degree program at USM will meet the credentialing requirements of the country in which they intend to seek employment as to certain 就业类型或高级/专业教育计划. 国家法律, regulations, and policies may change at any time and those changes in requirements may impact the program's ability to meet the educational requirements for licensure.

While USM will provide professional licensure and 认证 披露的信息, it remains the responsibility of the student completing the licensure or 认证 program to check with the licensing board(s) in the student’s state of residence or in the state in which the student intends to obtain a license for the most current information 和需求. 

许可证数据更新频率-USM will conduct licensure research and updates annually beginning on July 1, 2025, 之后的每一年.  

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